Team Member

Kyle Pierce

Visualization Lead / Co-Founder

Mr. Pierce has been a Civil Engineering Technician since 2000 and has over twenty-six years of CADD experience in several disciplines. He is currently trained on the latest AutoCAD Civil 3D software and is responsible for performing duties such as developing construction bid documents from concepts prepared by professional engineers, survey data processing, permit plat development, digital surface modeling & project design calculations.

Mr. Pierce is also a fully trained ESRI Geographical Information Systems (GIS) analyst who is very fluent in spatial analysis and map creation.

Other Team Members

Kenneth King, REP, FP-C

Environmental Services Lead Professional

Mitchell J. Marmande, PE, PLS

Principal / Co-Founder

Marlon “Blue” Domangue

Construction Services Lead

Brandi Voisin

Administrative and Human Resources Lead

Chad Robichaux, P.L.S.

Surveying and Mapping Lead Professional

Barry “Jason” Kennedy, PE, PLS

Principal / Co-Founder

Kevin Rizzo, P.E.

Engineering and Design Lead Professional