Lower Little Caillou Pump Station Replacement

The Lower Little Caillou Pump Station is located within the community of Chauvin, La. It is part of an existing forced drainage system that has been under pump since the early 1970’s. The system is in excess of 1,800 acres consisting of residential, commercial, agricultural and unimproved properties. The system protects over 1,000 structures and has a population of over 3,000 people. The project is to re-construct the existing pump station which has come to the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced.

The pump station is not only being re-built since the current one is at the end of its useful life, but is also being upgraded with larger pumps and the addition of another pump to increase the pumping capacity by over 200% which will lower the water level within the system and decrease the amount of time that areas within the system are inundated during tropical rainfall events.

In an effort to reduce cost during construction, the existing pump station will remain in service during the construction period with the water being by-passed around the new pump station. Another innovative feature of the construction will be to use the existing pump station’s cut off wall as part of the cofferdam system for construction of the new pump station. After construction of the new station is complete, the original pump station will be dismantled.

The new pump station will be fully automated with SCADA to monitor the interior and exterior water levels along with automatic trash rakes and a back-up generator to ensure that the station will operate under any tropical event.



Client Name

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana



Completion Date


Key Features

Value Benefits

Innovative Infrastructure Planning, Design, and Management

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