As Compensatory Mitigation for the construction of the HNC Lock Complex of the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Project, the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District is required to construct approximately 40 acres of new brackish marsh habitat in Terrebonne Parish. Since the volume of dredge material exceeds the quantity needed to construct the 40 acres an additional 138 acres of marsh will be created using this additional dredge material. The design of this project includes a borrow areas (which is the dredge area for the Lock Complex) located within the Houma Navigation Canal (HNC), from which the material will be hydraulically pumped to multiple, fully contained, fill areas adjacent to the Lock Complex. DCC incorporated CPRA’s ‘Marsh Creation Design Guidelines’, optimum marsh inundation elevation and relative sea level rise, along with geotechnical considerations of sub-soil and marsh-fill consolidation and compaction to determine the optimal target marsh elevation for the project. This will help ensure that the design life for the project of 20-years is achieved
Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
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